Unveiling the power-packed alternative to shot blasting – the Bristle Blaster. This handheld marvel is engineered to remove coatings, corrosion, mill scale, and more, offering surface cleanliness equivalent to SA 2.5 (SSPC-SP 10, near white metal blast cleaning) achieved by shot blasting. With the capability to generate an anchor profile up to 120 µm Rz (4.7 mils), the Bristle Blaster is a game-changer in repair and maintenance across diverse industrial sectors.
Why Choose the Bristle Blaster Over Shot Blasting?
The Bristle Blaster is a robust 'blasting without grit' technology that cleans the substrate while generating an anchor profile. Say goodbye to the hassle of hazardous materials – the Bristle Blaster eliminates the need for expensive enclosures, reprocessing, or disposal of grit, making it a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution.
It finds applications across various industrial sectors, including:
- Pipeline coatings and wrapping removal
- Corrosion removal and fillet weld cleaning
- Weld Seam cleaning
- Epoxy coatings removal
Utilizing the Bristle Blaster: A Seamless Alternative
With various Bristle Blaster units available, some weighing as little as 1.1kg / 2.4lbs, mobility is never an issue, even in the most challenging environments. Its user-friendly design, coupled with Cordless, Pneumatic, and Electric options, ensures quick and hassle-free setup, expediting maintenance and repair projects.
The Bristle Blaster stands as an environmentally friendly alternative, free from hazardous materials, facilitating a swift cleanup upon project completion. It serves as a shot blasting alternative across numerous industrial sectors, including:
- Oil and Gas
- Pipeline Construction and Repair
- Wind Energy and Renewables
- Shipbuilding and Repair
- Bridges and Steel Construction
- Petrochemical and Refineries
- Power Industry
Elevate your surface preparation game with the Bristle Blaster – the ultimate shot blasting alternative tailored to meet your industrial needs.